That Magic Feeling III
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Ever Wonder?

When you look through Beatles books or pictures online, you may, every once in a while, come across some photos that make you wonder... about what they may have been saying, what may have been going on there, or what the context of it was.
This section is for all of the people who have wondered and features a few of these slightly interesting pictures...

Maybe... could be... perhaps... er... I give up. ;)

Hmmm, could he be trying to draw attention to his book??
Nope, didn't think so either.

You'd probably look a little unhappy and tired too, if you'd been photographed 10000000 times...

Whatever it is, George does not look all too pleased. ;)

Wonder what they're looking at.

A cowboy...?

Tsk, tsk, drinking on the job... ;)

Is he hiding?
More to come!

All photos are copyright their respective owners.