That Magic Feeling III
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Let's Be Honest

Note: It's not meant all too seriously, yet again. :)
First and foremost, Beatlemaniacs love The Beatles because of their brilliant, amazing and timeless music. After all, this is their legacy - their music.

But let's be honest here, ladies. We don't just love them for their music alone. No, no, not at all. We love their humor, their quirks, their personalities - and their looks.

Since we're being honest here, let us examine some exhibits of photos for your viewing pleasure, shall we?
You will note that there is a particular focus on the period from late 1964 to late 1966 - what many consider to be the prime period for all four Beatles.
Oh, and a word of advice: these pictures may cause an increase in heart rate - you have been warned. ;)
Exhibit A:

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